Rachiha was born in 1988 in Khenifra, she has two brothers and one sister. She has the equivalent of an eleventh grade education. When she decided to stop her studies she pursued her creative endeavors via jewelry making. She started her work with the Women's Cooperative of Khenifra in 2008, making handmade jellaba button jewelry. In Rachida’s words, her work as an artisan has opened up doors to the world. Rachida has worked closely with various Peace Corps Volunteers through the years and has had the opportunity to travel twice to the United States to participate in international arts festivals. Rachida started working as an Anou artisan leader in August of 2017 and during her time with Anou the seeds for Cooperative Tiglmamin were planted. Rachida is the current president of the cooperative and the beating heart of this family group. Rachida hopes to increase the opportunities not only for herself but for her cooperative through weaving. She would like to share the products and traditions from their region with people around the world.
7ft 1in x 3ft 10in x 1in
2m 15cm x 1m 18cm x 2cm
7600 grams
Hand Picker,
Wool Carders,
Traditional Loom
Dyed Wool,
Cotton Warp
Product ID: 21036
Questions? Email us hello@theanou.com
This rug varies from one region to another according to color, decoration and production method. Made of natural wool this rug is quite versatile, in the winter the pile side is placed up to keep things warmer and in the summer the pile side is placed face down to keep things cooler. Each knot is individually tied by hand making it a true feat of craftsmanship.
Color Guide & Quality Guarantee
This item was made with the following colors
using non-toxic, non-bleed dyes and carbon negative yarns. Learn more.
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