Born in Talsint in 1979, Fatima did not finish her studies due to the school being far from her home. She has since attended literacy classes as an adult and done well. Fatima is divorced and has one daughter, Fadwa. Fatima learned the art of making crafts including the tbaq, weaving and sewing from her mother. In addition to Fatima’s work with the handicraft association, she has a small sewing business and helps with her family’s neighborhood store. With money from her basket sales she has been able to buy a sewing machine and materials to help her sewing business. Fatima hopes that the handicraft association will improve their production and professional capacities through their work with Anou, helping them to secure better income.
13in x 9in x 2in
34cm x 24cm x 5cm
415 grams
Dyed Wool,
Product ID: 8945
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A traditional Moroccan basket known as a "tbaq." This basket is handmade using a local dried grass that is wound with colorful wool thread into one-of-a-kind designs. Originally these baskets were used for bread making but nowadays they can be functional or decorative.
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