Tiglmamin is the Amazigh word for lakes. These beautiful lakes are located 40 kilometers from Khenifra in the heart of the Middle Atlas. The name was used for the cooperative because it means many small lakes in the feminine form, this meaning was tied into the many women who make …
Cooperative Tiglmamin guarantees the final dimensions of your order will be below 3% or you'll get your money back or an opportuntiy to have your order remade at no extra cost.
Note: For rugs, anything below 3% is considered excellent but will often come with a higher price relative other groups.
Where will you ship your order?
How would you like to ship your order?
Your instant quote will include premium DHL shipping.
We are slowly starting to open up other cheaper,
but longer shipping options so reach out to us if you would like to explore these and reduce the cost of your order.
We'll use your email to send you your estimated quote instantly. We will use your email for this specific purpose.
Select your dimensions
Select The Fringe Type
Note: The fringe is not included in the final size of the rug. Learn more about fringes here.
Select Fringe Length
Change Color
Coming soon. Want to change the color? Email us at hello@theanou.com
Select Selvidge Size
What is selvidge?
Change Pile Height
Note: Cost changes to the pile height will not be included in the instant estimate.
Scale or Stretch the Design?
If you've changed the dimensions significantly, the design will
either have to be adapted or scaled to the new dimensions. What is the difference?
✉️ Need help? Contact us!
Contact us!
Got a question? Sent it here and an Anou artisan mentor will be in touch via email with an answer shortly. You will receive an automatic email notification once your message is submitted.