Fatima was born and raised in Ait Yahya Oualla. Fatima never received a formal
education. As a child she learned how to weave from her mother. After giving birth to her
second daughter she stopped weaving. The responsibilities of taking care of her husband and
daughter became too much. Years later she started to take up sewing and received a diploma in
sewing and weaving. In 2019, Fatima helped start the very first sewing and weaving cooperative
in her village, Arkhbil Sewing and Weaving Cooperative. Fatima’s confidence grows daily from
the leadership opportunities provided by the cooperative. The sale of her products helps her
family tremendously.
Rkiya is 63 years old. She is originally from Itzer, she moved to Ait Yahya Oualla
once she got married. Like many women her age she is not formally educated and spent most
of her days learning how to weave from her mother. After giving birth to her two children she
stopped weaving. She no longer had the energy to keep up with household work and taking
care of the kids. It wasn’t until she joined Arkhbil Sewing and Weaving Cooperative that she found
renewed energy. In the early morning you can hear the sounds of Rkiya pounding away at the loom. She is
the first one to arrive at the cooperative and the last one to leave. Selling her products keeps
Rkiya energized and excited about weaving.
9ft 3in x 6ft 3in x 1in
2m 81cm x 1m 90cm x 2cm
8500 grams
Weaving loom,
Dyed wool,
Natural wool
Product ID: 18049
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