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Year in and year out, Cooperative Nahda continues to be one of the best managed cooperatives in Morocco. Cooperative Nahda is putting its small town on the map for internationally renowned rugs.

Learn More About Cooperative Nahda

Selected Favorites

Pile Knot Rug

Pile Knot Rug | In Stock

Handmade By Fatima Haddash and 16 others

Dimensions: 10ft 4in x 8ft x 1in

Pile Knot Rug

Pile Knot Rug | Made To Order Only

Handmade By Fatima Haddash and 2 others

Dimensions: 9ft 9in x 8ft 4in x 1in

Pile Knot Rug

Pile Knot Rug | Made To Order Only

Handmade By Fatima Haddash and 13 others

Dimensions: 7ft 7in x 6ft 7in x 1in

Pile Knot Rug

Pile Knot Rug | Made To Order Only

Handmade By Fatima Haddash and 17 others

Dimensions: 12ft 11in x 9ft 3in x 1in

Cooperative Nahda's Listed Products

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Meet the Artisans of Cooperative Nahda


Fatima Haddash

Naima Mehboub

Fadma Mehboub

Hafida Mehboub

Fatima Gourami

Mustapha Chaouai

Hanan Sadaoui

El Kibera Tahiri

Sadia Bakhalk

Fatima Hajou

aicha mhdaoui

Fatima Mahboub

Fadma Mehboub

Aicha Mehboub

Hlima najib

Nbarcha Bally

Fatima Hafsi

Rabha Houari

Fatima Mahboub

Zineb M3mri

Zolikha laytoun

Samira Rhawi

Naima azroial

Fatima bokbir

Hlima sbai

Hafida hafsi

Hafida Caouai

Anana Mehdawi

Meriam Amskini

Rkia Fdoli

Malikah Tahari

Fadma Mahboub

Malikah Mahboub

Hafida Mahboub


fatima el ayoubi

khadija ait hadou


Ilham sadiki

Houria amri

About Cooperative Nahda

Organized in 2008, Association Nahda, or renaissance, is a fitting name for association in the small, yet progressive town of Oued Ifrane. Three men, Mustapha Chaouai, Said Degousi and Hassan Skuri started the association in order to find new ways to create higher paying jobs in their village. Because of founders’ skill sets of working with wood and metal, the association started by selling functional items made for Moroccan homes at craft fairs throughout the country. \r\n\r\nTheir success inspired them to make sure the women in their village gained access to higher paying jobs within the village as well. Women in Oued Ifrane traditionally travelled to neighboring areas to do agriculture work for little pay. However, the founders of the association recognized the local women’s carpet weaving talent passed down through many generations and thought that if they were organized under the association, the women could sell their carpets and become financially independent. As a result, Association Nahda submitted an application to the Moroccan government to create a women’s cooperative in the village in 2011. The association now takes 10% of each sale and reinvests this money back into the women. Currently, the association is saving the money to invest in new female-oriented businesses, such as a bakery, in order to diversify and create more income generating opportunities for women in the village


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